
I believe that teaching is an art.  Though the landscape of “good teaching” is varied and diverse, I believe that good teaching can be learned.   Pedagogy and teaching practice can be honed through experimenting with new ideas and approaches until some new balance is found that works for the teacher in that moment.  

Below I have compiled some of the most influential ideas and resources that currently inspire my teaching practice.

The Art of Teaching

Please read my short essay about my thoughts on how teaching is an art, more than a science.

Growth Mindset

Retrieval Practice

Mindsets and Retrieval Practice

My introductory workshop for students.  Teacher's notes are in the comments.


Poll Everywhere - embed interactives into your presentations


Trauma-Informed Education

Start here to learn about how experiences shape brain development

This free course is an outstanding way to become trauma informed.  It will transform your thinking and inform your interactions with others.


These two episodes of Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History are truly essential listening.  He forces you to rethink how memory works.

This powerful and entertaining episode of this American Life presented by author Michael Lewis echoes very similar ideas in a completely different, beautiful and thought provoking way

This one doesn't talk directly about memory, but I find that it logically follows the podcasts above very well.  

Ultimately, if we have the power to shape our own memories, then the stories we choose to tell ourselves about our experiences are that much more important in shaping not just our future, but also our past.

If these ideas excite you, go watch the movie Big Fish

Narratives and Storytelling

It seems to be universally understood that the human brain is primed to gather, and retain information most effectively through storytelling.  As educators I can think of almost no skill more important than improving your storytelling abilities.  Likewise I think it is valuable work to organize materials and ideas in courses as much as possible into a cohesive narrative.  

Learn more about the powerful tool of story telling 

More Interesting Research:

High Expectations

Some must reads!

As a botanist, Robin Wall Kimmerer has been trained to ask questions of nature with the tools of science. As a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. In Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer brings these two lenses of knowledge together to take us on “a journey that is every bit as mythic as it is scientific, as sacred as it is historical, as clever as it is wise” - Elizabeth Gilbert

Sand Talk:
How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World

Words cannot adequately describe the importance of this book.

“After three of four years of schooling, the nucleus basalis, which forms sharp memories in the brain, falls into disuse and decays. This is the part of the brain that makes learning so effortless for small children, and it is always activated in undomesticated humans. But neuroplasticity research has shown that damage to the nucleus basalis can be reversed by reintroducing activities involving highly focused attention, which results in massive increases in production of acetylcholine and dopamine. Using new skills under conditions of intense focus rewires billions of neural connections and reactivates the nucleus basalis. Loss of function in this part of the brain is not a natural stage of development--we are supposed to retain and even increase it throughout our lives. Until very recently in human history, we did.”

-  Tyson Yunkaporta

Science Teaching Resources

Please consider supporting
this wonderful not-for-profit

Points of Inspiration

The ingredients for transforming people's lives despite their circumstances.
This made me rethink a lot of big ideas.  Overall it makes me aspire to be an empathic leader, and recognize how the success of our students is largely dependent of the environments we create and how we respond to their needs. 
Reframing failure as learning.
This made me rethink how we feel, respond, judge, and take responsibility for our actions.
How to recognize and ultimately break free from the constraints of socialized identities, and learn to define yourself from within. 
How your mindset about stress is more powerful than stress itself.

Though this podcast episode talks about addressing pain in the field of medicine, I find that nearly all of it maps directly onto education.  Both pain, and learning are biopsychosocial phenomena.

Daniel Pink runs us through the leadership and mindsets that gets the most out of people.
How to bridge misunderstanding, fear, and hate.