Choose Quality over Quantity

Vote with your money.  All products come from nature. 
Choose products made by people who care about the full supply chain and their workers

The diversity of products and services we use is so broad and varied that I cannot make a reasonable list of specific recommendations.  Instead I encourage you to include nature as a key influence in your daily purchasing decisions.  To me, sustainable thinking means choosing to consume less material goods and putting effort into reducing my ecological footprint.  For the products I purchase I am willing to pay a premium for quality, durability, energy efficiency, re-usability, fair working conditions, and products made in ways and from materials with comparatively low environmental impacts to the competition.  I aim to support businesses that are small scale and local, over big business and brand names.  I try to fix things that are broken, and follow the 3-Rs.

PODCAST (How I Build This - NPR) - Yvon Chouinard on Patagonia

This is a wonderful example of how large companies can also be more sustainable

Some important considerations when making a purchase...

Examples of Sustainable Shopping for Calgarians

DIY / Used / Shared Resources

Thrift Stores in Calgary
Consignment Stores in Calgary (buy and SELL used clothes)

Calgary Public Library -  a truly astounding public resource

Calgary Tool Library - tools rental starting at $60/year

DIY Training Centre - Courses in all things DIY

U-Wrench - DIY Garage and Body Shop

Facebook Marketplace and Kijiji
are both filled with quality used goods

Online Shopping -  lots of green selection + great filtering options - products for babies and young children

Examples of Sustainable Shopping for Torontonians

Online Shopping -  lots of green selection + great filtering options - products for babies and young children

Food For Thought...

The How Stuff Works guide to finding eco-friendly products

Not Your Typical Book about the Environment       Evergreen Garden Market

Coffeecology        Blue Banana

Bee's Wrap           EcoExistence

DIY / Used / Shared Resources

Thrift Stores in Toronto, and these too

Toronto Public Library -  a truly astounding public resource

Toronto Tool Library - tools rental for $55/year

bikeSauce - volunteer based DIY bike servicing