Unit 1 - Biochemistry

I strongly recommend reading this section in the Lumen Learning online textbook.

Note Files


Textbook Ref

Practice/ Supplements

Ch 1.1-1.2

Pg. 18 #1-13

Pg. 24 #1-12

Ch 1.4

Pg. 38 #1-2, 5

Ch 1.4

For the Love of Lipids!

play with bubbles! You can even try it at home!

Pg. 38 #4, 6-7

Ch 1.5

THE COOLEST! (Protein Data Bank)

FoldIt - Protein folding game

community science project resolving protein shapes sometimes better than scientists or algorithms.

Pg. 47 #1-7

Ch 1.7

Ch 3.3

Pg. 57 #1-3,5-6, 8-13

Pg. 150 #2,5,6,8